GISHL’s progress through their season


Senior Nathan Zweig is seen playing with other members of GISHL in the parking lot next to the stadium. GISHL had many scrimmages and will continue their season.

According to Nathan Zweig, co-founder and senior, the Greater Indianapolis Street Hockey League (GISHL), had their Thanksgiving game on Saturday. He said there were students who moved away since GISHL started, who were in town and participated in the game.
Luke Thompson, co-founder and senior, said he expects to see many scrimmages in the future and the length of how long GISHL will go on this year is yet to be determined.
“GISHL has been pretty decent so far. This season will be a good one, just as it has always been since we started it,” Zweig said.
“Everyone has been playing well. We don’t really know when the football players will rejoin since their season just ended, so we still need to figure out a way to incorporate them in. The more the merrier, and the group of guys who have been in GISHL has stayed relatively the same since it’s a fun way to play hockey with your friends, so adding them back in isn’t an issue at all,” Thompson said.

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