The media center will be hosting an Army flight simulator for the MUSE event on Feb. 4, according to media department chairperson Terri Ramos.
“We’ve secured the date but we’re still working on the logistics of this thing. (The flight simulator) that’s coming is quite large; it’s a full semi to hold this simulator. So then with parking, and all of those things, when is this going to come and where are we going to put it, and how is it going to get out because with the congestion around the school and all of those things; we’re still trying to work that out with the police department to bring that in,” Ramos said.
To attend this event, students must obtain an SRT pass from the media center. However, Ramos said this event will likely take place during the entire day.
Ramos said, “I’m imagining (the event) will be one we’re offering all day to teachers to bring their classes to, so if someone in engineering and technology, maybe physics and science, whatever class, if the teacher feels that it’s an application for them, then they can bring the class as well, and they sign that up through us.”
Junior Stella Mo said she thinks the MUSE events offer interesting experiences.
Mo said, “I saw the therapy dogs in the library and it seemed really fun; the flight simulator seems really exciting and I might go see it if I have time.”