Runners keep up the same attitude and effort even towards the end of the season as they continue to condition for some of the final races of the season.
On Saturday, Oct. 22, the men’s cross country team will travel to Blue River Park, Shelbyville, for their Semi-State race. The team is expected to do well based on previous success in the regular season and so far in it’s post-season races. Head Coach Colin Altevogt along with Tim Metkin, JV runner and sophomore, both agree that race outcomes should be positive.
“Our guys have shown a great tendency to run well together, and we have historically had our best performances with teams that do that. We’re hopeful that some of our veterans benefit from our training and turn it up to eleven toward late Oct,” Altevogt said.
Metken said he agrees that a strong team can put out strong results. He expects that the team does well on the Semi-State course.
“The team is definitely looking very solid heading into the Semi-State. We had a wide range of performances in the Regional but we are confident that this will allow us to be strong this weekend,” Metken said.
With any team, a good performance can be attributed to more than just the physical parts of the sport. As a runner, Metken and his teammates keep up the same energy and enthusiasm now as they did at the beginning of the season.
Metken said, “As the season progresses, we really have a pretty constant attitude. Many things change outside of XC, but cross country is a constant in most of our lives and therefore our attitude is fair similar to how it was four months ago when the season started.”