A.C.T. coach John Shearin sits at his desk after looking over some of statistics on the A.C.T. He said he has enjoyed being the coach of the team for years, and is retiring at the end of the school year.
After serving as the coach of the Academic Competition Team (A.C.T.) for over 5 years, John Shearin said he is retiring at the end of the year, and the team will find a new coach for next year. The coach for next year is still to be determined.
Shearin said he has enjoyed being the coach of the A.C.T. for the past few years, and said he would miss being the coach, especially because of the Monday practices the team had every week.
“The Monday practices were always a lot of fun. We laughed, we joked. Hopefully, everybody learned something, and I know I did. Even though we weren’t a club, but a competitive team, we came together as a club. It was very enjoyable,” Shearin said.
Shearin also said he recommends the new coach to stay in conversation with the students to make sure the transition is smooth.
“(When I first started coaching the team), I called in a couple of the members and asked them what they thought, what they thought could be better, what they thought needed to be done differently,” Shearin said. “Much of what I ended up doing was following (the previous coach’s) model.”
Ben Goldberg, A.C.T. member and junior, said that he wants even more students to get involved on the team next year.
“I would 100 percent recommend students to join the team. The more, the merrier. We could always use more people art our practices,” Goldberg said.
Goldberg also said he is looking forward to being on the team next year because of his experience with it this year.
“Overall, I feel like we did a great job this year, and, even though we did not always win, we had so much fun along the road. It was truly a great time,” Goldberg said. “I will try my best to be on the team next year.”