Co-president and senior Kate Adaniya laughed with another club member during their dissection last meeting. She says her favorite parts of meetings are when she gets to interact with other club members and said she is looking forward to the club's party because of that.
Club Med leaders plan on having a party on Dec. 11 for their last meeting in this semester. A club leader said officers plan on bringing food and having a good time interacting with other members of the club.
Sponsor Alyssa Mastin said she is looking forward to the party.
“A party is a great way to relax. I think a lot of the students are really busy now. Everyone has finals and other things to worry about. I think it’s really great that the club leaders recognize that and are just ending the semester with something nice.”
Co-president and senior Kate Adaniya said, “We like to do little things like [the party] to try and not put that much pressure on people. Personally, I know that I am super busy during the end of the semester. Everyone else is too.”
Both Adaniya and Mastin said they think that students will enjoy the event. Adaniya said “[This party] is a way for everyone to relax when they are at the most stressed part of the year.”