Hannah Bromm and Nyssa Qiao, Project Sunshine Co-presidents and seniors inform members on how to construct the craft kits.
According to co-president and senior Hannah Bromm, the next Project Sunshine meeting will take place on March 15 after school until 4 p.m. in the second floor freshman LGI room.
During the meeting, Project Sunshine members will be assembling teen craft kits for the teen patients currently hospitalized at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital.
“I think it’s just a fun way to get together with my friends, while at the same time being able to give back to the community and to the kids and families at the hospital,” Lupe Cruz, Project Sunshine member and senior, said.
Sponsor Allyson Wells-Podell said that Project Sunshine members show a great amount of commitment when it comes to putting a smile on the faces of kids, or teens in this case, that are going through a rough period in their lives.