Sophomore Viha Bynagari sets up her presentation on TransMedics Organ Care System. Bynagari said, "My group has actually already done the public presentation part of the project, so this is just extra."
Club Med sponsor Alyssa Mastin said the club is planning their next meeting, which will occur on April 23 after school. The meeting will be the last meeting of the school year and will probably be a food party to celebrate the past year in the club.
Mastin said “We still have funds available for the club, so we can order something for the kids. I think it will be a great way to end the year.”
For their last meeting, which occurred on March 26 after school, sophomore Viha Bynagari presented a presentation on the TransMedics Organ Care System, which is an alternative method to heart transplantation that increases the transportation time available.
Bynagari said, “(The presentation of the system) was supposed to be part of my english presentation, but the rest of my group couldn’t come. We were just supposed to do a research project on a new medical disease, an unknown medical disease or a new medical innovation, so my presentation is about that. Part of our grade was to present to the public, so that is why I am here.”
Click here for an article on a heart transplant.