Alyssa Mastin, Club Med sponsor and science teacher, works on a recommendation letter during SRT. Mastin said she leaves most of the club planning to the presidents and often only needs to spread the word through announcements and make her room available.
Club Med leaders continue to plan their Nov. 12 meeting, unsure if they will be able to follow through with the dissection, which is of a fetal pig, or be forced to switch and do a lab activity.
Co-president and senior Shubi Sinha said, “(The leaders) don’t have a concrete plan yet, but we are hoping that we can do the dissection. We want to have one per semester, so we really want to do (the dissection next on Nov. 12) We couldn’t find a speaker in time, so we just decided to do a (fetal pig dissection).”
For Sinha, the best part of the dissection will be seeing the reactions of those in the club. She said, “I am looking forward to the first experiences that underclassmen will have with the dissection. I know that a lot of them haven’t had that experience yet, so I am looking forward to helping and guiding them through it. (I want to) hopefully expose them to a new science activity.”
Alyssa Mastin, club sponsor and science teacher said she also is looking forward to the meeting. She said, “(I am excited to) see them get excited about something more hands-on. I think that sometimes it is easy to go through the motions, but this forces them to really engage. They get to see, on a microscale, all these organs, and how they are packaged. (They) can make connections like ‘Oh, that is why these work the way that they do’” By Tara Kandallu