Layla Qureshi, future vice president and junior works on extracting DNA from a strawberry with the help of the co-president Adam Munshi. Qureshi said the experiment they did during the meeting was fun even though she had done it before.
Club Med leaders are planning their next meeting, of which they do not know the date, after extracting strawberry DNA on March 11. Leaders are not sure what exactly their next meeting will entail but plan on only having a few meetings before the end of the year.
Sponsor Alyssa Mastin said “I like the fact that even though a lot of people have done this (experiment) before, some haven’t but most have. It’s cool to see something different. You hear abstract things about DNA, but you never get to see it.”
Mastin said that over the next few meetings the club will be transitioning into their new leadership. One of those new leaders is Layla Qureshi, future vice president and junior.
Qureshi said, “There are a lot less people at today’s meeting, but there is still a good number to have a good time. I think that this is due to the fact that spring is almost here. A lot of sports are going on and the end of the quarter is coming up. It’s just a lot, so I think people missed this meeting.” By Tara Kandallu