Registered nurse (RN) Meredith Haines continues settling into her new position as the freshman health center RN after working at Clay Middle School’s health center last year. Haines said she sees many familiar faces of those eighth-graders from Clay who graduated to freshmen this year.
Haines said, “There are a lot of similarities (between schools), a lot of new things and a bigger school to get used to, but I’ve been so happy here with the administration, staff, students, and the teachers.”
Ryan Roop, student at Clay last year and freshman, said, “It is really beneficial that our old nurse is now at this school, because I am not afraid to go to her when I feel bad.”
“Stay home if you’re ill, don’t come to school with a fever, and if you feel ill come and see me right away so we can check and either get you sent home or get you medicine to feel better and back to class,” Haines said.
By Marissa Ryan