Alyssa Smith, senior and Wind Symphony I member, plays cards in the library during her release period. Smith said she is looking forward to performing at CBDNA.
This Friday, members of Wind Symphony I will perform at the College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA) North Central Division Conference in Chicago for their first time ever. The event is for college bands and their directors, but during each conference, two high school bands are showcased. This year, after sending in an audition tape, Wind Symphony I was one of the two high schools chosen for the honor.
Kyle Young, performing arts department chair, said: “It is a great opportunity for your students to perform at a prestigious event at a beautiful hall in DePaul University and in front of people who we consider to be very important in our field, college professors and band directors.”
Alyssa Smith, senior and Wind Symphony I member said she agrees with Young in that the conference provides great opportunities for the students. She said, “I think it is really great that we can perform for college directors. Not a lot of schools nationwide have the ability to do that. We actually won’t be at school the whole day, so I am not sure if I need to make up work, but I think that it will be worth it in the long run because this is such a cool opportunity.”
Smith and Young are excited to perform one of their pieces in particular. The piece, titled Gothic, has no record of ever being played in the United States.
Young said, “It is kind of cool to play a concert band piece in front of people who know a lot about concert band music and have probably heard a lot of concert band music.”