Clare Dierckman
Why do you think younger generations view religion differently than older generations?
I would say that people value faith more during times of suffering. Our recent history in the United States is one of relative peace and prosperity, which also comes with challenges. Speaking about my own life, I came to know God in the context of suffering and difficulty. I asked different questions than my peers because life brought me to my knees. I would also say that a lack of faith is not serving millennials well. Millennials report being lonely and isolated. They struggle finding a way to connect. They have problems with depression and anxiety. There has been an increase in suicide as well. In short, we need one another. We need community, and I feel that we need God to guide us even when things are good. We also need to serve others. That is where we find the most meaning.
Many studies have found that depression has been on the rise for millennials. Do you think that a lack of religion could have something to do with this? If so, why?
I absolutely believe this to be true. I have presided over many funerals recently of people who have taken their own lives. Often, they are men and women who have been away from the church, and their families ask for help during a difficult time. Through stories of their families, I can see the downward spiral that resulted from a lack of faith and hope. As a Catholic, whenever I walk into my church, I see a crucifix. It’s not there to be a guilt trip, as some believe. It reminds me that suffering is a part of life and that Jesus, who was God, suffered. We all have crosses in life. My faith helps me carry crosses because I know that Jesus personally is there for me. It also affords me hope—for the challenges of this life and also that this isn’t all there is. Eternal life is real. As Mother Teresa used to say, “Never let anything distress you so that you forget the joy of the resurrection.” Pope Benedict once wrote, “If you follow the will of God, you know that in spite of all the terrible things that happen to you, you will never lose a final refuge. You know that the foundation of the world is love, so that even when no human being can or will help you, you may go on, trusting in the one that loves you.”
How do you recommend that public high schoolers stay in touch with their religion?
I think that every young person needs to consider faith. You are always welcome at my parish as well as any other Christian church. I think you just have to look at your life without faith and with faith. I have no doubt that a life with faith is better.