What sparked your interest in jewelry making? When did it start?
Once quarantine started, I had an abundance of free time and I had recently found a box of beads in my basement, so I ordered some supplies and started working. I wasn’t originally planning on selling what I created but I had made 30 or 40 earrings that I didn’t really have a use for and my mom convinced me to open up a shop. I think that was either late May or early June 2020.
What is the general inspiration behind your pieces?
I spend an unhealthy amount of time on Pinterest and that is normally where I go for my ideas. I had also taken Jewelry 1 second semester of my freshman year so that also jump started my interests.
How did you go about creating your business?
I didn’t and still don’t know a lot about the financial aspects of running a business so going through Etsy seemed like an obvious choice just because it kind of walks you through everything.

What is your favorite memory from making or selling a jewelry piece?
In November, I had set up a sort of pop-up shop in my garage and the turnout was amazing. I had so many more people show up than I was expecting and was so surprised by the amount of people that had an interest in the things I had created.
What has been the most challenging aspect about having an Etsy shop?
I struggle with marketing myself. I have an Instagram account for the sole purpose of bringing in customers but I am not very good with posting consistently so it is a very small account.
What motivates you to continue making and selling jewelry amidst everything going on in the world?
I feel almost like its my calm during the storm, if that makes sense. If I feel stressed about something it can sometimes be my therapy.
Besides jewelry making, what other passions do you pursue?
I also like to paint and I work at an art gallery on Main Street.
Describe the process of making a piece of jewelry.
I wish I could say I have some fancy process but I really just look at the stuff I have and think about what I could make. It’s pretty simple.
How does jewelry making make you feel?
When I sit down to start working on a piece it is definitely a sort of therapy. It’s very therapeutic for me.
Were there any setbacks that you needed to overcome so far in your business?
There are many setbacks I have had to get over. For instance, I didn’t have any sales in the month of October so things like that can definitely lower my confidence.
What is the most fulfilling part of your business?
I love packaging orders and writing thank you notes to people who have ordered; that is the most fulfilling part.