Jessica “Jesse” Cooper poses for a group photo with her fellow WHJE staff members at the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) competition last year in New York. Cooper said via email she is honored to be nominated.
The Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) recently posted their Media Awards nominations and 33 WHJE staff members have received a total of 41 different awards, either winner or runner-up awards. These members will know if they have gotten a winner award or a runner-up award at the virtual awards ceremony on March 6.
Jessica “Jess” Cooper, WHJE events manager and senior, is nominated for several awards in this competition.
“I have been nominated for Best On-Air Personality for my live show work, as well as Best Community Volunteer Program and Best On-Air Pledge Drive for my work with Rileython last February,” Cooper said via email. “Best On-Air Personality is judged by personality as well as vocals for a live show. For Best Community Volunteer Program, I was nominated for my work with producing RileyThon last year, which was for volunteering and fundraising for Riley (Children’s) Hospital. For Best On-Air Pledge Drive, that was also with RileyThon.”
WHJE radio advisor Dominic James said all the nominees will either get a winner’s trophy or a runner’s up trophy. Additionally, James said there have been some changes to the competition due to COVID-19.
“Normally, we would go to New York to go to the awards ceremony in March, but because of COVID that has been canceled so there will be a virtual ceremony and we will find out by March 5 or 6 whether we’ve actually won or got runner’s up trophies,” James said. “There are thousands of people who enter these competitions and so we are very lucky to have had so many nominations.”
James also said passion and motivation to produce work of the same quality as the prior year fueled WHJE staff members who spent a lot of time both in school and outside of school on their projects.
“Even though the coronavirus is still around us, we are still producing as much online content and live content as we’ve ever produced so the students continue to work all hours, day and night, to actually keep the radio station running as well as it ever has done. So they should be congratulated for doing that despite only being here half the time, you know, on a virtual time table,” James said. “And some people who are virtual students, they come in the evenings and the weekends to do their shows then, so nothing seems to stop the radio students from doing their work, which is great.”