Since the callout meeting which took place early September, the club has been preparing to operate their planetarium for public viewing. The autumnal equinox will happen on Sept. 22, which will be the day before the first planetarium show of the school year. Therefore, the show’s theme is said to be on seasons and equinoxes. Keith Turner, planetarium director and astronomy instructor, explained what the show will offer.
“This planetarium show explores the relationship between the earth and sun that cause seasons on earth,” he said. “During the show, audience members will be transported via our GOTO Star Machine to different latitudes on earth, to observe the phenomenon of an equinox.”
The students in the club are said to usually prepare for shows by learning how to operate the star machine, and practicing delivering public planetarium presentations. Turner says he feels confident going into this first show.
“I am sure the upcoming show will run smoothly,“ he said, “I am very good at what I do.”
The show will begin at 7 p.m. on Sept. 23. The tickets are on sale at the CHS Bookstore, which cost $4 for adults and $2 for children, seniors and CHS students.
Sophomore Hank Jacoby recalls the last time he went to the CHS planetarium.
“I went to the planetarium throughout elementary school on field trips,” he said. “I remember sitting under a big dome with the stars and planets pictured all around the ceiling. Then the planets and stars moved as the instructor demonstrated the passing of time.”
According to Jacoby, the planetarium continues to live on in his memories.
“I loved the planetarium,” he said, “It was extremely immersive. The whole experience was very interesting.” By Royce Brown