Robert Browning, stock market club sponsor and business teacher
Why do students do in this club?
They play a simulated stock market game where they compete with each other (to see) who can make the most pretend money in the stock market. We also have speakers come in once every month to talk about buying and selling stock, investments–those kinds of things.
When does this club meet?
Monday afternoons, usually after school. It’s a little flexible, but probably two to four times a month in room F102.
Do you think more people are investing in the stock market, after previous years?
I think that’s a close call. After that 2007-2008 crash, a lot of people didn’t get back in. But I think the younger generation is starting to invest, and they’re investing in different kinds of ways.
What do you think makes people want to invest in stocks?
They play a simulated stock market game where they compete with each other (to see) who can make the most pretend money in the stock market. We also have speakers come in once every month to talk about buying and selling stock, investments–those kinds of things.
Shri Atluri, stock market club co-president and junior

What is Carmel Stockmarket Club?
We meet bi-weekly, so every other Monday, and I’d say there are around, 15 to 20 people (that) show up. But there are around 35-40 people that are actually joined in the club. We have two kinds of areas that we focus on. We have one area where we have guest speakers that come in and talk to us and help us about understanding stocks, helping the students overall and developing our skills of trading stocks. To implement what we learned, we have a stock market simulator.
How is your club different from last year?
Last year, the speakers were all virtual because of COVID. Now we have in-person speakers. We have speakers scheduled that are people from investment, investment firms, financial advisors, people who are experienced in the whole financial aspect of things.
Would you like to add anything else?
If you want to learn more about the market in general, or if you’re interested in wanting to meet new people, I feel like this is a great club, because even if your intention is not to learn more about the market, you’ll end up learning something new. And I feel like even if you can take away the smallest thing from the club, it’ll help you in your future.