Aaronson Mansberger Submitted Photo
Mansberger performs his routine on the parallel bars at the 2021 Development Program Nationals. Mansberger placed 40th overall.
When did you start gymnastics?
I started it when I was really young, probably before elementary school.
What is it like being a male in gymnastics?
It is a smaller group of people, but it makes it better in some ways because I know everyone I am competing against in the state and I know pretty much everyone around the country. It is a nice small community.
What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?
It is hard to balance school and gymnastics because I have lots of practice and I get home really late. I also dealt with mental blocks when I was younger on some skills that were really scary for me so it was a challenge to get over those.
How long do you plan on pursuing gymnastics?
I plan on pursuing it as long as I can. So until college, and then if possible, however long after that. I do not know if I see it as a career but I want to do other stuff along with it.