GKOM Council members Brooke Ye (left) and Gauri Srinath (right) discuss GKOM session plans during SSRT. Ye said, “I’ve been enjoying planning the sessions and look forward to helping freshmen feel more supported throughout the school year.”
GKOMs will have their next session during SSRT on Oct. 27, according to sponsor Ryan Ringenberg.
Senior Brooke Ye, a GKOM Council member, said that they are preparing for upcoming GKOM sessions.
“Council meets every SSRT to plan and organize the Connection Sessions that will be held each month,” Ye said. “We are also in communication with our assigned GKOM teams to ensure the smooth running of the program. We have noticed that there has been trouble with consistent freshman engagement, so we decided to provide GKOM teams with topics and questions to facilitate the conversations. The upcoming session on Oct. 27 will focus on the social-emotional learning concept of insight.”