John Carter, organizer and sponsor of Rho Kappa, grades tests for his U.S. History class. He said this year’s Academic WorldQuest competition will see a record number of participants from CHS.
According to John Carter, organizer and sponsor of Rho Kappa, Academic WorldQuest (AWQ) is a national competition where students are tested on their knowledge of current events. He said he is optimistic about this year’s level of participation.
“We have the (record) amount of students participating this year,” he said. “We usually have six or seven teams but we may have as many as 10 this time. (AWQ) is in February, so we will start working towards it after winter break.”
Laura Martens, senior and president of Rho Kappa, said the first callout meeting for AWQ will be held in early December.
“The AWQ (callout) meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec. 8 in (John) Carter’s room in E225,” she said. “I will be going over the general overview of how AWQ works, as well as information about forming teams, since the actual competition takes place early in the second semester.”
Martens also said Rho Kappa will plan bonding events for members.
“Lots of bonding events are in the works because we have our roster of new members finalized.” she said. “For specifics about bonding events, we were thinking about hosting a history-themed movie night and maybe taking a trip to the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields.”