Charlotte Moser
Best Buddies members pose for a picture at the annual Friendship Walk on April 21, 2024. “We hope to see everyone there,” Stock said via email.
The annual Friendsgiving event will take place on Nov. 21 from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Main Cafeteria. Best Buddies members pitch in for the food and drinks. The event is an opportunity for members to socialize with their friends and buddies.
Ellie Stock, chapter president of Best Buddies and senior, said she is looking forward to the event.
“In the past, we have been privileged to receive sponsorship from local organizations to provide our main courses,” Stock said via email.
Isabella (Belle) Davis, fundraising officer and sophomore, said she is looking forward to seeing participation at the event.
“This event fosters friendship and coming together. Everyone is welcome to participate,” Davis said by email.
Sponsor Tony Dunham said he defers club decisions to the officers and the students.