Gay-Straight Alliance is scheduled to have its callout meeting on Sept. 9; however, this date is not set in stone, according to sponsor Jeremy Horner.
Club president Gracie “Grace” Woerner said there hasn’t been much planning so far. Nevertheless, Gay-Straight Alliance is scheduled to have short film festivals and booths at the Activities Day, Homecoming and Houndstock.
According to Horner, the president of the club elected last year moved during the summer, so Gay-Straight Alliance did not have much time to organize itself.
“The officers and I are still in a brainstorming phase,” Horner said.
Gay-Straight Alliance is fundamentally a forum group where members can discuss about recent activities. Woerner said the club hopes to invite a guest speaker to talk this year.
“Gay-Straight Alliance promotes and markets a safe environment for people who have different sexual orientations. People should join because it’s for a really good cause,” Woerner said. By Tony Tan <>