Mackenzie Webster, senior

“Currently, my biggest goal in life is to get into a good college and further my academic career. I’m working to establish deadlines for myself and basically just prove to myself and others that I can do it. Right now, I’m trying to get service hours, like I just signed up to volunteer at the Humane Society. (I’m) working on my essays, coming up with topics I could write about, getting letters of rec, all that stuff. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, trying to build up things that I could use for when I do apply (to college) senior year. Like when I applied to be a GKOM, I thought about how it could help me with (college) applications and stuff, and getting a job so I could show that I kept up my grades and maintained responsibility in my job. I think (the coronavirus) has (affected this goal). I kind of counted on meeting with my counselor a lot during last year and even this year, and I know that’s been kind of halted. I’ve been kind of confused on how to start, and I’ve been kind of having to figure it out for myself, but there are resources out there.”


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