Starting on April 1, a new health clinic for Carmel Clay school district teachers will operate in the Ivy Tech building located across the street from this school. The acquisition of the school building was meant to provide a more convenient location for the new Carmel Learning Center, a place for future seniors to take leadership and college-prep seminars. Part of the property to also be used as a health clinic.
Roger McMichael, assistant superintendent for business affairs, said the health clinic was a new program set forth by the school district intended to provide added benefits for CCS employees.
“(The clinic) will be a benefit to Carmel Clay Schools because the cost will be less for the employers and employees at the on-site clinic,” McMichael said.
He said the township owned the current building before the school district acquired it while Ivy Tech is the current tenant of the building.
McMichael said he thinks the clinic will be popular with employees and that many employees will take advantage of the services.
Teachers can go to the clinic for primary care. Services from the clinic will be suitable for anything that a family doctor can treat, and teachers will not be charged for their visit.
In addition, McMichael said the clinic provides care that costs less than that of the private industry.
McMichael also said that the clinic will focus more on wellness over other health care methods.
“One of the differences in the on site clinic as opposed to the doctor is that we will have an emphasis on wellness,” he said. “While doctors look to treat the illness, the staff at the clinic will look at preventing future illnesses.”
According to McMichael, the purpose of the clinic will be to minimize the chances of employees getting sick as well as to treat illnesses.
Principal John Williams said he thinks that new clinic would be a nice benefit to employees of the school district.
“I think (the health clinic) will allow for our employees to get help when they’re not feeling well,” he said.
Check out this infamous parody song by students who sang in protest of the smaller lunch portions.