By Ryan Duffy
<[email protected]>
The men’s varsity golf team continues its season on Saturday at the Chatard Invitational. The match will take place at Heartland Crossing golf club and will start at 2 p.m.
Head Varsity Coach Chad Carr said he has gotten more excited as this season progresses. “I’m looking forward to the rest of the season,” he said. “I am curious to see how far this team can go. We have a lot of potent ial and a lot of good kids to be around.”
Kevin Brown, the third-ranked player on the team and junior said he feels good about the team to this point in the season as well. “I do feel there are areas we need to improve upon,” Brown said. “But, we are improving every day with hard work at practices.”
Carr said that even though they are having success, the team still has a few areas it needs to improve on. Each player is different in stProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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ngths and weaknesses,” he said. “Obviously nobody is perfect, but we as a team will focus on the short game for the most part of the season.”
Brown said that the Coach’s plans at practices will help the team out tremendously. “Coach Carr stresses hard work at practices and that will further the team’s success throughout the season,” Brown said. “If everyone could limit mistakes it would benefit the entire team’s score tremendously.”
The team’s success so far has been due in part to the play of a few varsity players. Brown, along with junior Connor O’Neal and junior Grant Meade are leading the team to success this season. Junior Nathan Mueting and junior Tyler Zipes have been leading the team as well to this point in the season.
Carr said that the main focus for the Chatard Invitational will be mental. “The expectation is that we show up and play the best golf we can play,” Carr said. “In order to win, we’ll have to be focused, be smart with our course management, and make our putts.”
Brown said he agreed with Carr, and added, “We need to play smart throughout the entire round, take it each shot at a time, and further improve toward the goal of a State title.”
“I am looking forward to the rest of the season,” Carr said. ” I am curious to see how far this team can go. We have a lot of potential and a lot of good kids to be around.”