What is the media center Twitter page?
It is mostly a way for us to promote the different activities that we have. Like, a few weeks ago, we promoted The Hunger Games. It will help us to promote our ice cream prizes that will be given out in May. We have to collaborate with the cafeteria for that to work. It is also used to promote events like National Library Week.
How do you hope to impact students using the Twitter page?
I’m hoping that as we get more and more followers and more people learn about it, they will be able to learn about the new books and other events that take place in the library. I’m just hoping that it will be a better way to communicate with the students. It will allow us to better interact with the students, and we could ask them questions about what new books the library should order and other events and activities students would like the library to have. Media department chairperson Bonnie Grimble also suggested that we do an “Ask a Librarian” on Twitter, where students can ask any question they want to a librarian. We will probably filter those questions out by having students use the hash tag. We will probably ask them to direct their questions to #askalibrarian.
How often do you update the page?
I usually try to update every day. We post pictures and things going on in the library. During a late start, there was a boy playing guitar in the library, so I took a picture and tweeted that. I also tweeted the art displays that were out in the hallway, and the Carmel Clay Schools Twitter retweeted that, which allowed many people to see it.
How and why was the media center Twitter page started?
We started it right before The Hunger Games. We wanted to promote The Hunger Games and the activities we were doing for that. And we realized it was a very good promotional tool for the library. And we started giving away treats on Twitter to promote the new Twitter page.
What are the goals you have for the page?
I want to communicate and interact with students more.