National Art Honor Society Spring Art Show
PRESIDENT: Senior Miriam Wright
WHEN AND WHERE: CHS Auditorium Lobby, CHS Commons and Media Center on May 18 and May 19
WHAT IT IS: The National Art Honor Society’s Spring Art Show will feature a sampling of drawings, paintings, jewelry, ceramics, mixed media, photography, fiber arts, digital designs, animation and sculpture that students of all grades have been working on.
THOUGHTS “We are excited to present the work of the CHS Art Department’s students … it is a true celebration of our students’ visions and hard work,” said Jen Bubp, National Art Honor Society sponsor and art department chairperson.
Speech Team
SPONSOR: English teacher Jacleen Joiner
CURRENT EVENTS: National Competition in Birmingham, Alabama from June 18 to 23
THOUGHTS: “I compete in an event where I am given 30 minutes to prepare a speech about a political question. I think you just need to have a good knowledge about public affairs and be well prepared,” said Crystal Xue, speech team member and nationals qualifier. “Ideally, I’d love to win, but a much more realistic goal for me is to become a better speaker in the short amount of time I have. I just think being able to speak eloquently on your feet is a valuable skill to have.”
National Beta Charter Club
PRESIDENT: Sophomore Rida Bonday
WHAT IT IS: To encourage teamwork and innovation, and to foster new interests in students who are looking to broaden their academic horizons.
THOUGHTS: “We are heavily integrated in volunteering at Sunrise Senior Living, the Humane Society of Indianapolis, and Circle City Relief. In a word, National Beta is an honors society of students who are looking to improve their own high school academic achievements while also giving back to the community,” Bonday said.

President and sophomore Rida Bonday alongside Tracy Hadden, sponsor and social studies chairperson, plan logistical information for the club. “At our bi-monthly meetings, we not only discuss and work on our competition projects, but we also offer volunteering opportunities to our dedicated members,” Bonday said.