The Senior Class officers finished their most active week of the year: Homecoming. Overall, the turnouts for the activities of Homecoming went well and according to plan for the officers; the Senior class won for the number of students with the spirit wear, the trike race was entertaining throughout, and numerous amounts of T-shirts were sold whose profit will be donated to the Carmel Youth Assistance Program. But what seems to be the Senior Class officers and sponsors’ proudest achievement is the playhouse building competition.
Joe Steele, one of the Senior Class sponsors, said, “The [senior officers] did a really nice job at being involved, but what is definitely the highlight was their contribution to playhouse building.”
Likewise, Senior Class secretary Hannah Nist said, “Homecoming week was awesome, but I think the highlight was the playhouse competition.” The playhouse competition is one that features 5 teams from each grade and staff. Teams come to decorate playhouses in a competitive spirit with one another according to a specific theme, this year’s being The Incredibles. In the end, all 5 playhouses are donated to the Carmel Youth Assistance Program, where kids in the district who may not have all the essentials in life.
“In the end, there’s not really a winner, as our work is donated to the Carmel Youth Assistance Program—kids in need.” Nist concluded. By Leah Tan