Model U.N. members are starting to decide which country or committee their group would like to represent for this coming year’s Model U.N. event on March 13 and 14 at IUPUI in downtown Indianapolis.
Students must turn in a $50 check payable to CHS for the Model U.N. event’s expenses as well as a registration form.
According to Peter O’Hara, Model U.N. sponsor, the call-out meeting was full, similar to past years. At the meeting, the dates were released for all deadlines and events for the coming year. Important dates include the registration deadline, Nov. 7, the posting date for committee or country assignments, Dec. 3, the position paper due date, Feb. 19 and the Model U.N. conference dates for this year, March 13 and March 14.
According to Eleanor Spolyar, Model U.N. member and senior, the Model U.N meeting had a large turn-out, which is due to the fact that the club caters to students who are interested in international affairs, “Model U.N is a good experience, especially if you are interested in public policy or international affairs,” Spolyar said.
Members need to be ready to decide which countries they desire to represent this year so they can begin to study their country and discover what conflicts affect their given country and how they contribute to global issues. “It opens up your mind to what might actually happen in the United Nations,” Spolyar said.