The CHS Anime Club has scheduled to have its annual Christmas party on Dec. 10 after school in the Freshman Center large group instruction (LGI) room. According to Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and junior, there is one more meeting on Nov. 26 be
fore the party. Also, plans for the party are yet to be determined.
Chen said that Anime Club is fun and enjoyable so far this year. “It’s a place I feel like I can do anything normally,” she said. “In class it’s boring (and) you sit there; school’s kind of like that atmosphere. So, it’s a place where I can see all the people that have the same interests, talk about similar things and be with my friends.”
Anime Club sponsor Rita Winters plans to attend the party. She said that she would come to eat, watch the movie and observe the meeting. She also said that she thought that this year’s Anime Club members were a lot noisier than last year. “Last year’s president was just tougher. She was a good president; she was just different. She took the position very seriously, and she liked to control it. So it (wasn’t) necessarily a bad thing; she just had a different style of being president,” Winters said. “Yanying seems to me like she has more fun; the other girl didn’t seem to have as much fun. I think they (the club members) are a little noisier (this year) because they’re having more fun.”