According to nurse coordinator Kandyce Hardie, the nurses in the health center are continuing their normal procedures of attending to students during the current “lull.”
“We aren’t necessarily gearing up for anything, but we are primarily helping and treating student who come in for various reasons,” Hardie said. “As far as the students that we’re seeing here at the clinic, before … we’ve seen some colds coming around and also a lot of student who have injuries that they sustained.”
Although they do their best to help students who come in sick, Hardie said students are still not following the school’s protocol by calling their parents from their cell phones to go home sick before going to the health center.
Hardie said, “(It is) still an issue for a lot of our students that are calling home before they come to the health center, so they need to know to come (to the health center) first and let us do our job and try to help them before calling home–that’s what the school policy states.”
As the nurses continue their normal routines of attending to students, the nurses’ aids similarly continue to give the nurses a helping hand. As one of these nurses’ aids, senior Katie Popcheff said although they regularly get assigned tasks to do, the majority of their time in the health center is spent doing other work.
Popcheff said, “(During this period, I’m) mostly studying and doing homework, but if I get that done I’ll, like, read or something since the nurses only ask for help, like, once a period.”