Jack Kelley, Computer Building Club member and junior, cleans the dust out of computers. This cleaning is a part of the computer refurbishing process.
Computer Building Club meets every Monday to repurpose old computers which NetLiteracy, a nonprofit organization, later distributes to less fortunate individuals. The next Computer Building Club meeting will be on April 27 in Room F104. The club is currently focusing on selecting next year’s officers and preparing procedures for next year.
Krishna Pathak, club president and senior, said, “As we approach May, our main focus right now is ensuring the juniors and other underclassmen next year know everything all around.”
According to sponsor Margaret Winans, the club members are also working on developing more efficient procedures for next year.
Winans said, “The club members are developing various procedures that will speed up the refurbishing process.”
Pathak said this development also entails working on a guide for next year’s members and officers.
He said, “We’re drafting a written guide with troubleshooting as far as administering the server goes.”
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