The Aperture Club members are scheduled to have a call-out meeting during mid-September, and an Indy Star photographer will meet the members of the club as well as show the functions of photography equipment, according to co-president and senior Steven Brisley. However, the date for this meeting is still undetermined.
“There will be a discussion about techniques used in photography,” Brisley said.
In addition to a visit from the Indy Star guest, students will be playing a scavenger hunt game where they have to find specific items and take pictures of it.
“I allow the students to make the decisions regarding the club,” Aperture Club sponsor Jim Streisel said.
Brisley plays an important role as the co-president of this club, along with senior Michelle Hu. They help direct meetings, organize the public relations and communicate with the members of the club.
It is never too late to join this club, and experience is not required. Anyone who is interested in photography is welcome to join the Aperture Club.
“[This is] a small club where everyone is free to talk and exchange ideas,” Brisley said.