With long standing Greyhound Connections ready to kick off another year introducing new students to CHS, club president and senior Olivia Roop is more than excited to start.
Roop emphasises the importance of building friendships first and foremost.
“The way the student body interacts is important to get them used to, the relationships are what make the high school experience what it is,” Roop said.
Last year, the group hosted the New Student Breakfast on Nov. 1. This year, the same event will take place on Oct. 9, hosting both new students and new teachers. Members of Greyhound Connections take classes to sharpen their abilities to identify body language and social cues, allowing them to communicate with new students in the most comfortable way possible.
Although the group provides a helping hand, they strive to assure that newcomers can thrive on their own.
Roop describes the purpose of the event and the organization: ‘“I want them to feel comfortable when they come to school. I don’t want them to be scared or not want to come.” She hopes that this year, the club can get much more attention, as she believes many people would benefit greatly from the organization, if they knew more about it.
“Even if you’re not sure about it, I definitely encourage you to apply. It may seem scary, but it’s an amazing feeling to make a difference in the lives of others.”