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Carmel UNICEF invites students to charity ball tonight to fundraise for Cyclone Idai victims

Carmel UNICEF invites students to charity ball tonight to fundraise for Cyclone Idai victims

Tara Kandallu April 19, 2019

This year, Carmel UNICEF plans  to host their first charity ball, which costs $10 to attend, today from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Freshman Cafeteria with booths from other humanitarian aid clubs at this school....

UNICEF club members sell baked goods for UNICEF club during lunch periods. The club raised over 250 dollars for the UNICEF foundation through the bake sale this year. ERIC HE / PHOTO

UNICEF Club to fundraise at Houndstock, host end-of-year party for members

Beats May 3, 2012

According to UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) club president Silvia Lee, club members are scheduled to attend Houndstock on May 19, where they will set up a booth to fundraise...

UNICEF club members sell baked goods at a bake sale on Mar. 26. According to club president Stephanie Wu, all proceeds will be donated to the UNICEF organization. ERIC HE / PHOTO

UNICEF club members scheduled to participate in Frosh Rock Apr. 12

Beats April 10, 2012

According to UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) club president Stephanie Wu, club officers are scheduled to promote UNICEF club at Frosh Rock on Apr. 12, an event for incoming...

Co-President Silvia Lee addresses UNICEF Club at a meeting. New club officers are beginning to train and prepare for next year. ERIC HE / PHOTO

UNICEF Club to hold bake sale, train new club officers

Beats March 13, 2012

According to sponsor Maureen Borto, UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) Club is scheduled to hold a bake sale later in March. Bake sale days have yet to be determined, but...

Junior Tiffany Yeh gives a speech to UNICEF club members and officers as to why she should become an officer for the club at the Jan. 31 meeting. Officer positions for next school year will be announced at the Feb. 21 meeting. LINSU HAN / PHOTO

UNICEF to have bake sale in late February

Beats February 22, 2012

According to sponsor Jill Noel, UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Foundation) club officers scheduled a meeting for the club to take place on Feb. 21. At the meeting, officers...

UNICEF club officers begin the interviewing process to select president and vice president officer positions for the next year. According to president Stephanie Wu, new officers will help run upcoming events this year to prepare them for next year's events. ERIC HE / PHOTO

UNICEF Club officers to select new officers for club

Beats February 1, 2012

According to sponsor Jill Noel, UNICEF (United Nations International Chidren’s Emergency Foundation) Club officers will conduct interviews for president and vice president positions for the next school...

UNICEF Club members attend a meeting on Dec. 6. According to UNICEF Club president Stephanie Wu, the next meeting will be like previous ones, but officers will discuss elections as well as new events. ERIC HE / PHOTO

UNICEF Club scheduled to meet Jan. 17, to hold bake sale

Beats January 14, 2012

According to sponsor Jill Noel, UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) Club is scheduled to meet on Jan. 17 in Room F100. At the meeting, bake sale events will be planned for the month of February,...

Freshman Cynthia Wu carries the Trick or Treat for UNICEF boxes for Halloween fundraising. Unicef club plans to donate all proceeds to organizations such as those helping the people affected by the disaster in Haiti. ERIC HE / PHOTO

UNICEF Club members to fundraise at International Fair Nov. 17 to 20

Beats November 14, 2011

According to Ling Ding, UNICEF Club vice president and senior, the club is scheduled to go to the International Fair, which is scheduled to take place at the Indiana state fairgrounds from Nov. 17 to 20....

Henry Zhu, UNICEF co-president and senior, and Stephanie Wu, UNICEF co-president and senior, talk to club members about the upcoming fundraising opportunity, Trick or Treat for UNICEF. The fundraising will take place in the month of October. PHOTO / ERIC HE

UNICEF Club members to fundraise in October, plan for other events

Beats September 30, 2011

According to Stephanie Wu, UNICEF Club president and senior, the club will be fundraising for UNICEF in the month of October through the Trick or Treat for UNICEF program. Club officers are also planning...

UNICEF Club officers plan upcoming meetings and events

Beats August 20, 2011

UNICEF Club officers are thinking about what fundraising opportunities will be possible for members to raise money. Club meetings have not started, and those dates will be decided in the next month. According...

UNICEF Club no longer available to students

Beats October 12, 2009

The UNICEF Club was disbanded this year after the founder of the club moved away. There are no plans to continue this club, although former sponsor Alicia Noneman said she may sponsor it again if any students...

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