Carmel Connects will meet after school on March 7. At the meeting, the club will repair donated computers and continue the process of reimaging the computers.
To contribute to its goal of promoting net and computer literacy among senior citizens, the club fixes computers donated by Carmel Clay Schools. Once fixed, Carmel Connects gives the computers to individuals or groups in the greater Indianapolis area.
“This year we want to work with more computers and get new members,” Levy Kiser, Carmel Connects president and junior, said.
The club meets after school on Mondays as well as in class during IT essentials, which is sponsor Margaret Winans’ first period class on Gold Days.
Winans said, “At our past meetings, we have talked about increasing net literacy and the reimaging process. We have also repaired or reimaged donated computers.” By Natalie Maier <[email protected]>