The Share the Music Club will have its first Music on Main Street performance on Oct. 1 in downtown Carmel and its first Summer Trace performance on Oct. 15.
According to co-president Sunhee Han, students who sign up for Music on Main Street will be performing at Bub’s or Muldoon’s. The event will last from 4 to 6 p.m. Officer Hyesoo Chae said that it will occur every Saturday and will only be taking place from April to October.
Summer Trace is a nursing home where students play at every third Saturday of each month from 6:30 to 7 p.m.
“The environment is kind of different there because they set it up like it’s a recital. It’s a little more nerve-wracking,” Han said.
The officers plan to play at some of the events as well.
“I’m not doing it for the first performance, but we will be performing,” Han said.
Sponsor James Woomert said, “I also plan to play as well, at some point or another.”
The next meeting date has not yet been determined, but it will most likely be around late November.
It’s not too late to join.
“(The club is) not just open to students who are actively in performing arts,” Woomert said. “(Others are) more than welcome and encouraged to come join.”