The nurses in the health center currently are updating students’ files, according to nurse coordinator Kandyce Hardie.
Hardie said, “We don’t really have much going on right now, but we are updating students’ files, which is basically filing away students’ doctor’s notes and marking their absences with those notes. Otherwise, it’s been pretty ordinary around here.”
While the nurses are busy with desk work, the nurses’ assistants help out the nurses with other tasks. Madi Luedeke, nurses’ assistant and senior, said although there usually isn’t much they can do for the nurses, the nurses’ assistants still usually help out every class.
Luedeke said, “Every time, we usually do homework, but I also file pretty regularly, so I guess (the nurses) always have something for me to do.”
Although, her jobs are quite simple and mundane, Luedeke said the role of nurses’ assistants is important to the health center.
Luedeke said, “My job is like an aid or a helping hand for the nurses, so I just help them out with whatever they tell me to when they’re too busy with other things.”