CHTV will sell three DVDs: “Greyhound Memories,” the senior DVD and a graduation DVD, for $25 each, $45 for two and $65 for all three.
CHTV teacher Hal Espey said forms to order the DVDs are available in the activities office. “The Graduation DVD is about two hours long and it includes speeches and a nice close-up of people receiving their diploma,” Espey said.
Kyle Borcherding, CHTV crew member and senior, said the DVDs provide a lasting memory for students. “We have really good clips from the school year from basketball games, football games and many other events, so it’s a really good way to remember the school year,” he said.
According to Espey, the videos are between 90 minutes and two hours long. Espey said, “You’re only a senior once in high school. It’s a really important point in one’s life. Students are always future-oriented, so they’re not really interested in looking back, but the DVDs will let students look back on some of the best years of their lives.”