On May 1, four authors will be visiting the media center to work with students on writing, according to media department chairperson Terri Ramos.
“We have Barnes and Noble coming in, and they are bringing in the four authors,” Ramos said. “English classes will be able to come, and students will be able to take part in these little writing activities throughout the pods, and then they’ll also be able to interact with the authors either in a writing workshop or one in which an author will critique their writing if they want the author to take a look at their writing. There are lots of different activities going on with the authors all that day.”
Sophomore Stella Mo said she thinks it is interesting how the media center does many things other than just loaning out books.
“People probably don’t realize the library does cool things like author visits because people barely go to the library anymore,” Mo said.
Additionally, the Carmel Clay Public Library (CCPL) and Destiny will visit the library to talk to students.
Ramos said, “The CCPL is coming and they are announcing their summer reading program and what their prizes will be and different things like that. We also have Destiny coming, which is the company that runs our library catalog, they will be showing students how to log in and reserve books and check their accounts and all of those kinds of thing.”