Muslim Student Association (MSA) is expected to continue hosting its various fundraisers for the Syrian refugee crisis through the next month. According to club sponsor Theresa Lyons, members have created collection boxes in her classroom for students to donate at any time.
“We are asking for donations and they can come at any time. The donations will soon be taken to the right place to benefit the refugees,” she said.
Additionally, the MSA will contribute to various food pantries in the Indianapolis area, including Gleaner’s, in preparation for the holidays. Ismail Aqeel, MSA officer and junior, said that he hopes to unite and spread positivity within the community during these events.
“I really want our club to get out there,” Aqeel said. “All the events we do are ones that we hope can have the most participation amongst our members.”
He added that the MSA hopes to rouse many members to join their cause.
“We want to help out the community and help them receive what they need,” he said. By Michelle Lu