Quiz Bowl Club
WHEN AND WHERE: Tuesdays after school in Room B214
WHAT IT IS: Quiz Bowl is an interdisciplinary competition, which means teams have members who are knowledgeable in a variety of categories. The club’s practices simulate competition, with four people per team buzzing in to answer a question. The club plans to attend multiple competitions next year.
Science Bowl
WHEN AND WHERE: Before regionals, the club practiced all together on alternating Wednesdays and Thursdays in B214. Additionally, since qualifying for nationals, the A team practices separately at the Carmel Clay Public Library.
WHAT IT IS: Science Bowl is a speed-based buzzer style competition focusing on advanced science. Each time has five competitors. The CHS team recently advanced to Nationals after regionals this past March.
THOUGHTS: “We’re studying on our own and scrimmaging other teams from around the country. I think it’s a fun experience to compete at a national level with other high schoolers and it’s also cool to meet new people.” Iris Yan, Science Bowl member and sophomore