The fate of the Twilight Club remains unknown, with the possibility of an end being acknowledged by both club sponsor Wendy Gerardot and Jamelynn “Jaymo” Callahan, president and creator of the Twilight Club and senior.
Gerardot said, “If I had to guess I would say that the club’s going to end, mostly because Jaymo’s a senior, she’s in her last semester of her senior year, so I think she just getting busy with wrapping that up, and it’s not taking as much priority anymore.”
Callahan said she would prefer to keep the club running, but was unaware if this was possible. “I’d like to continue it, but it may have to end,” she said.
The possible end is a result of schedule conflicts, Callahan said, “I have a job, I’m extraordinarily busy, everyone’s schedules are conflicting.”
She said she had meant to contact Gerardot regarding the club and plans to “as soon as (she) can” and that she regrets what is happening.
“I don’t like knowing that I’m keeping people away from something they enjoy,” she said.
Callahan said she feels this current situation is her fault. “I haven’t been responsible enough as to get (Twilight Club members) to be able to have the club, I haven’t been able to organize the club,” she said, “this is all me, it’s no one else.”
She said she planned to take actions to get the club back on its feet.
“I’m going to talk to Gerardot as soon as I possibly can, I’m going to talk to my co-president and I’m going to try to get a hold of (Twilight Club) members.”
With the future uncertain, Callahan said she hopes things work out. “I don’t want it to end,” she said, “hopefully it will be coming back” But Gerardot said she thinks the club has run its course. “I think it’s done,” she said. By Maxime Berclaz <[email protected]>