The current Comedysportz team is scheduled to participate in an improvisational comedy match against alumni on May 14. The team views this match as a fun way to bring the season to a close. According to ComedySportz sponsor Grant Steckbeck, the team is looking forward to competing with the alumni, and simply having a fun time.
Steckbeck said, “Usually it’s a pretty silly atmosphere and very carefree, and the team is always excited to have fun and try their best while improving their improv skills.”
According to Sophia Malerbi, co-captain and senior, she is excited to compete against former ComedySportz members, and have a good time while participating in friendly competition.
Malerbi said, “This whole season has been incredibly fun. We have all made big strides in our speaking, acting, and improv abilities. It will be so interesting to see what the season will look like next year.” By Riva Jain