As the new school year begins, National Honors Society (NHS) is offering tutoring services in room E137. According to Maxwell Goatee, NHS secretary and senior, NHS is focused on community service and the tutoring SSRT is a vital aspect of their service pillar.
“NHS is focused on elevating student involvement and continued effort beyond just the bare minimum requirement for this year,” Goatee said. “A continued focus will also be placed on allowing for equity and access of tutoring resources for families in our district by providing free, in-school tutoring.”
Allison Malloy, NHS sponsor and English teacher, said she agrees with Goatee and said the NHS has a service-first mindset.
“It’s an organization that is committed to multiple pillars. (Things like) character and scholarship. Our biggest of all of our pillars is the service pillar because our main emphasis is on giving back,” Malloy said. “(NHS members) offer their time and service, so they help others in a variety of ways. In the building, our biggest drive is through tutoring.”