A new club called Students Against Violence and Abuse (SAVA) has formed at this school. This club is dedicated to spreading awareness about domestic abuse, and working on its prevention. The club was founded earlier this year by Jade Thomas, senior, and Sara Towle, sophomore.
Thomas says that she and Towle founded the club because they have both experienced abuse and understand how hard it can be on the victims. Via e-mail, Thomas said, “We have a passion for stopping all domestic violence because we know what it can do to you as a person, and how it affects your family. We don’t want anyone to have to go through something so horrible as abuse.”
Jane Wildman, the club’s sponsor, said she believes the club has been successful so far. “I think we had about 30 people at the last meeting,” she said.
Thomas said she encourages anyone who has a passion for stopping domestic abuse to come join SAVA in their efforts. She said the club is not only for those who have experienced abuse personally.
“Domestic violence is not rare. People think it could never happen to them, but in reality it happens every day. So far this year 49 women have lost their lives to domestic violence in Hamilton County alone. This scares me,” Thomas said. “I want everyone to be aware that it can happen to them, and they need to know how to see the warning signs with an abuser so they can prevent themselves from getting hurt.”
The club meets on Mondays after school in room B147, and anyone is welcome to attend. By Hannah Smith <[email protected]>