The Pinnacle Yearbook staff is starting spread pages, or content pages, and finding stories to include in the yearbook.
Naomi Grossman, Student Life and Academics Editor and junior, said via email, “Deciding what we will cover in the yearbook is a long process, especially this year due to the fact we don’t even know if the most of the events we cover will even happen. Us editors have really had to think outside of the box this year to get content ideas.”
The yearbook staff is looking for many of their story ideas and sources through word of mouth. The first major content deadline is coming up on Oct. 5, with 78 pages of content and spreads due. “We’re still creating our spreads with verbal and visual content, but we’re just starting our first deadlines so we still need to figure out what that will look like in the times of the Coronavirus,” Pinnacle Staff Adviser Claire Burke said. “In future deadlines, we’ll have all the people pages or all the reference club photo pages.”
Due to Covid-19, the outcome of the yearbook is tentative, and because of this, there are two plans in place, Grossman said. “One is called plan A which we are currently following. Plan A is what we are going to put in the yearbook if school does not cancel. Plan B, the other spread, is what we are going to follow in the event that school gets canceled.” The increase of planning will account for changes due to Covid-19, as well as maintaining the traditional yearbook format.
Grossman said, “Definitely way more planning than a normal year but this staff is amazing and despite the pandemic, I have no doubt the book will be amazing.”