The Pinnacle yearbook staff is looking forward to the last deadline for yearbook content which will take place on March 7.
According to Pinnacle staff adviser Claire Burke, the deadline will finalize pages for the book and will mark the shift toward content for the spring supplement.
“Our attention is looking towards the end (of the year) now,” Burke said, “which I always think is amazing.”
The staff finished recently finished work on their previous deadline covering people pages, leaving reference information for the final deadline.
Naomi Grossman, Pinnacle editor in chief and senior, said she is very happy with the community the yearbook staff has created for her.
“(Producing the yearbook) is basically a big group project, being separated last year made it difficult (but this year) we’re able to be closer with everyone and have it work better,” she said.
Burke said following the last deadline, content will be temporarily put on pause to recoup from the prior effort of the year before diving into content for the spring supplement. The supplement will cover events happening in the spring and spring sports in order to still represent them in the yearbook manner. By Maddie Misterka