After receiving several applications for the position of Model U.N. officer for the 2023-2024 school year, the four current officers chose four rising juniors and seniors to take up the position.
Sophomore Sofia Dagvadorj, one of the newly chosen officers, said, “When I was first thinking about (applying), I was like, I want to be in charge. I’m pretty sure (the officers) are in charge of setting the topics, and I was thinking I wanna do that too: set the topics, find these interesting things, come up with things, and be in charge of how everything is going on. (Another) part of being an officer is, as a delegate, you write notes and things… make sure things happen behind the scenes. That seemed very interesting to me.”
Model U.N. sponsor Sandy Gardner said the club is not fairly busy right now and is looking forward to an upcoming event in April.
Gardner said, “We have no more conferences, but we are doing an internal conference on April 20 because we can’t travel that much anymore.”