Due to the cold weather rolling in, the maintenance department is in the process of getting the school ready for the winter. According to Mike Wyatt, maintenance department faculty member, the process of “winterizing” the whole school is automatic.
“For the warm days, the chillers will come on and cool the building. That is all automatic through the computer system. For cooler days, the cooler shuts off, and we bring the outside air to cool the building down and so the machines don’t overheat,” Wyatt said. “We do have issues once in a while in some areas, but we correct those.”
There are different series of actions done to adapt CHS and all of the other CHS buildings to the colder temperatures. Calibrations are set for the automated computer system that sets the school temperatures. Sports buildings, such as the football or tennis buildings, are winterized to keep equipment or other objects from freezing up. The irrigation system is also winterized by blowing out all of the water in the system for the winter.
Senior Wyatt Newman said, “I don’t think the maintenance department is doing a bad job, but they can do better. To the best of my knowledge, there are some parts of the buildings that are colder than others, but other than that, they are doing good work.”