Wild Bunch members are actively attending athletic events for seven varsity sports. As the fall season has come into full swing, football games, volleyball matches, girls and boys soccer games, golf tourneys and boys and girls cross-country meets have all been attended by these spirited seniors. “The goal of it is to unify the Senior Class and get people to attend as many sporting events as possible,” Anna Katsis, Wild Bunch president and senior, said.
In addition, the senior girls’ Spirit Club is trying to do more to keep members excited and involved this year by having other activities. Homecoming presented an opportunity for Wild Bunch to host a bake sale. Currently, Wild Bunch is selling T-shirts to anyone who would like to contribute to the breast cancer awareness walk that they will hold in late October. Shirts are $15 for a short sleeve T-shirt and $20 for a long sleeve T-shirt. They can be ordered online at http://kmgprint.com/product- category/carmel-bca/. Orders are due by Oct. 1.
“Our goal is to keep the school spirit through spring,” sponsor Wendy Gerardot said.
In past years, the spirit has started out strong in the fall but tends to fizzle out by the spring season.
“That’s one of my goals this year. I want to make sure people stay motivated to attend things and be excited about things even into the spring, because sports in the spring deserve just as much attention as sports in the fall do,” Katsis said. She hopes events like the bake sale and the breast cancer walk keep members enthusiastic and involved.
Organization of the over one hundred members of Wild Bunch is up to Katsis and her crew of core leaders. Three girls are in charge of each of the 19 varsity sports at CHS, letting Katsis know when and where sporting events are so she can tweet about them (@CHSwildbunch) and send Remind 101’s to club members. Even her position requires major leadership skills; her reason for being president is simple.
“I love being a leader of something that has such a good purpose, to unify a diverse group of people. I wanted to make a difference in my school that way, kind of leave my mark,” Katais said.